
24/7 Customer Support and Onboarding

Ensure the products you offer are easy to use. Customers have an admiration for your solution and are also excited about its benefits, however, that enthusiasm might vanish after they have started using it. 

Additionally, ensure there is ongoing support at every stage customers interact with your product—from onboarding to the activation of product features. Even well-grounded users, familiar with the product might face issues and may need help.

Make the uninterrupted experience a priority and ensure your tools do not frustrate them.  

Demo Videos

A product demo refers to a great way of presenting your product, emphasizing its advantages and unique features while showing your prospects how it works. Also, it’s quite handy: instead of explaining everything yourself, provide prospects accompanied by a colorful, neat, and informative video that has everything described. Further, requesting a demo is considered the first signal of a customer having a potential interest in your product. You can effectively track it and take further actions including converting the lead to a customer.

Serve several segments

Offering a single package or one product at a single and fixed price ensures that you stay focused, although it’s considered a narrow-minded strategy in trying to reach a wider audience. Essentially, a product line or a group of related products attracts more potential clients from different segments, such as enterprises or SMBs. It is the same case for multiple package options because your software becomes more affordable for certain audiences that you will benefit from.


Ensure multi-channel engagement

You do not expect potential customers to fall in love immediately with your products. Besides, they may forget about the product within a few seconds after they have had a look at the banner ad. Hence, you need to engage. Everywhere. Ensure you have several touchpoints in order to capture the leads’ attention and for them to create more interest in you as well as your offer.

Listen to your leads and customers

Feedback from customers helps you in working out and fine-tuning your strategy and at the same time improves your customer journey so that it could lead to a successful deal. Hence, it’s important that you know those points where you’re strong and weak. You can do this by launching online surveys, sending follow-ups seeking feedback, and inviting or calling your customers for meetings to discuss some of their experiences face-to-face, checking feedback from various channels, monitoring inputs and insights of your members to make your products, strategies, and offers better.

Don’t sell straight away

You need to behave like a professional doctor who would first examine the patient, diagnose his problem, comment on it, and finally provide a solution. Be an expert whose interest is to help your prospects but not another cold sales robot with the sole aim of getting their money. Again, detect the weak points from your leads and elaborate how the product you’re offering would help eliminate them.  Do this by providing value, demonstrating the operations of the software, and preparing to run pilots before getting revenues.


Have an SEO-optimized blog

SEO blog posts assist qualified inbound leads to easily find your website. As such, make sure all your copies are well-optimized. Undertake research of keywords that relate to your product then incorporate them as pieces of your content.  However, you should note that SEO strategy is not adding many keywords thinking they will rank you higher in the search list. This is about page optimization without harm for the sense and even value of your posts. Your blog must always resonate with queries and questions from your audience. Hence, write as naturally as possible.

Encourage guest posting

Guest posting is an example of an outbound marketing strategy that does well in both directions. Accepting articles from different professional authors enriches your blog with useful and fresh content especially if regularly picked. Again, authors share the posts on their social media pages, effectively driving more traffic to your website. Likewise, contributing to blogs of other companies can help you attract more audiences to your own website.

Incorporate AI Content generation

Your content must be valuable, engaging, well-written, and regularly published as a way of ensuring a stable leads inflow. However, creating catchy, ad headlines, data-driven posts, email copies, and subjects and supporting data needs resources and inspiration. If you do not want to run out of content, delegate its creation to artificial intelligence (AI). It probably takes seconds to generate high-converting copies of different types and come up with ideas for the next post using AI content generation tools.


Create a catchy design

The first impression when potential clients land on your website relies heavily on the visual features. Aesthetic fonts, well-picked brand colors, customized and attractive graphics, and optimized layout resonate well with customers and can enhance their loyalty. Visitors consider your website design as a reflection of your professionalism. Does that sound unfair, really?

For this reason, you may not need to save on a remarkable, innovative, and fresh web design that sets your brand apart.

A website is the company’s online image, and you have to ensure it’s excellent.

Think of the navigation

Your landing page probably boasts of a stunning visual design, but navigation makes it work or fail in a matter of seconds. Just like it happens in an actual store, a visitor to your online platform will come in then look around. If the platform is in a mess, they will have no clue where to go next, will be lost, and may decide to leave or even get annoyed. Again, on skimming your page, the prospect can either find the information from the section they need or click on the red X.

Ensure the page is optimized, intuitive, and should lead potential customers to where they expected to go.

Make Visible Contact forms and CTA buttons

Ensure it’s clear where users should leave their contact details if they wish to hear from you later. Most users will leave if they fail to find the contact form on the main screen’s footer within seconds. It’s the same case with CTA buttons: they must stand out and the required action should be clear to avoid losing leads. Ensure buttons are placed right and the contact form is easy to find. 

Social Media

Be active

A Twitter, LinkedIn, or Scribd account cannot generate much traffic when you’re not that active and shows up once in a few months. Your posts could be valuable and engaging but make them regular. Consistency is associated with a successful brand image, it makes people trust that you are still operational and ensures you appear in search engines often. 

Nevertheless, frequent posting is just a part of the task. You have to remain active in related groups or communities in order to spread content, signpost targeted audiences, boost networking, and even share expertise. Further, subscribe to your industry’s rockstars and interact more with their content, comment, and repost. This will open more discussions and attract attention.

Build a global community

Check your LinkedIn or Facebook groups that you follow, then ask yourself why you have been following them. Maybe you have always enjoyed being in that community or the content therein is useful.

 You can share insights in some of these groups at that time when you think other participants would be interested. Again, if you ever ask for advice, it’s because you are sure like-minded members would be willing to genuinely assist. Therefore, build that professional and supportive community. This is a group where participants would be free to talk and even share experiences and insights. Further, you can start catchy discussions and post valuable content in an effort to create an environment that motivates followers to contribute more and remain active.

Run ad Campaigns

Digital ad campaigns have become vital marketing tools for B2B startups. Relevant, well-targeted, catchy, and personalized ads can bring in hundreds of leads. Make use of AI-driven tools to connect to the important audience and enrich your campaigns through fresh buyer targeted data. The following 15 tips can help elevate your sales and marketing team’s productivity, revitalize your B2B SaaS startup, and contribute to the growth of your revenues.